Biggest Loser Club fitness expert Michael Scholtz knows that many of us get our physical activity in the evening hours. Scholtz also knows exercising too close to bedtime can make it difficult to sleep. He shares these tips with BLC nighttime exercisers who need their sleep:
1) Go to bed well hydrated. Drink plenty of water during the afternoon and early evening.
2) Avoid bright light in the evening. Bright light interferes with melatonin production, a hormone we produce that helps us sleep.
3) Avoid eating two hours before going to sleep if possible.
4) Use white noise. The sound of a spinning fan can mute out harsher background noises and keep you at a deeper sleep level.
5) Take a relaxing bath or shower. Light candles if that calms you.
6) Exercise earlier. If your schedule is flexible, hit the gym as early as possible.
7) Avoid stress. Don't pay bills or watch scary movies before hitting the hay.
8) Try chamomile tea. Be sure to avoid any caffeinated beverages before bedtime....This is an excerpt, read the full article as a member of the Biggest Loser Club.
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