Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Be Kind to your Knees...

Be kind to all your bendy places

Biggest Loser Club fitness expert Michael Scholtz knows when you're new to exercise, aches and pains abound, but he urges you to follow his tips to prevent unnecessary joint pain in your knees. "The knees are involved in practically any movement you do from everyday walking to chores to exercise," Scholtz says. So it's crucial your knees feel good. To keep knees in tip-top shape, avoid the following:

(1) Being a weekend warrior. Knees need consistent activity, not sudden activity.

(2) Deep Squats: "Squatting down very deeply, especially if you stay there for a prolonged amount of time, can be terrible for your knees," says Scholtz.

(3) Kneeling on hard surfaces: kneel on a rolled-up towel or knee pads, not hard wood or concrete.

(4) Plant and twist maneuvers. Point your toes and knees in the same direction when exercising. Turning your body with your feet planted in another direction puts too much torque on your knees.

Scholtz says anyone with knee pain will benefit from weight loss. In any activity, knees absorb three pounds of weight for every pound on your body. So just a five-pound weight loss takes off 15 pounds of pressure on your knees! Remember, when it comes to your knees, work with TLC!

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